i would say AVG. i had a lot of trouble with NAV. it can never detect any adware. one of our comps was full of adware and we came to know about it only when we changed from NAV to AVG. moreover the NAV got corrupted twice and i had to reinstall it.
Which is a better antivirus? Norton or AVG?triumph
i think norton..
Which is a better antivirus? Norton or AVG?worms
Norton...I have not complaints with it!
Norton is the best
Norton Antivirus
I prefer AVG
I would say AVG, I have AVG free installed and I haven't had one complaint, I also have Norton Anti-virus but I ended up un-installing it as someone else said I had to keep re-installing it and had to keep putting the disc in the drive, I had allot of problems with Norton Anti-virus, yet with AVG Free I have never had one problem and I know for a fact that it stops any threats as AVG has stopped a few viruses from entering my computer and it safely stores them in a virus vault where you can then go to and get rid of the virus for good, AVG is real easy to use, nothing complicated about it, you can set your settings so as it updates every time you turn on your machine or you can set it for a certain time. AVG is a great free software, funny how the software you get for free ends up being allot better than the expensive ones like Norton, so yes AVG is definitely best.
AVG it's free an light on the system I've been using it for the past 1 year without any complaints
Norton, the military uses it, how can you beat that?
AVG cause every anti virus has its own detection percentage.
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