Thursday, October 22, 2009

Trying to eliminate antivirus prog but it sais we need to exit the program first but it wont allow u

Right click on the icon in the notification area near the clock and quit.

What is the antivirus program? It could be a Trojan!!!!!


Trying to eliminate antivirus prog but it sais we need to exit the program first but it wont allow us to?live update

maybe you should first open the windows task manager (by pressing ctrl+alt+del, if you really didn't knew),go to processes tab and then terminate the anti virus process by finding it. it should solve you problem.

best of luck and hope for the best.

Trying to eliminate antivirus prog but it sais we need to exit the program first but it wont allow us to?norten

Suggestion 1:

CTRL+ALT+DEL to open Task Manager

On Processes Tab

Look for the filename of the antivirus you are using... some files there a linked to your antivirus

Click the file then click end process

Suggestion 2:

Right click the antivirus icon on your system tray (near the clock) then click exit / close / end program

Will IPhones have antivirus/firewall programs included?

Seems like they will need them since this thing will pretty much browse the internet like a normal computer.

Will IPhones have antivirus/firewall programs included?liveupdate

Mobile devices don't need Anti-virus software. The only system that needs it are Windows PC computers.

But I wouldn't say they browse it like a computer, what with no Flash or ActiveX integration and single window browsing.

Will IPhones have antivirus/firewall programs included?nortin

Certain types. Spyware and malware is not possible on Mac. However, hacking and phishing is totally possible. Report It

When using Avast Antivirus, where do the deleted items go?

Deleted items go into the bit-bucket (gone for good). Quarantined items go to the quarantine folder.

When using Avast Antivirus, where do the deleted items go?malware

The Quarantine Section, its like a jail cell for the things it finds, it makes a copy of it just in case it was a file you needed so you can restore it,but if its extreamly dangerous it deletes it for good.

Hoped i helped

When using Avast Antivirus, where do the deleted items go?norton 360

in the cell the quarantine section of virus chest. avast has wierd names lol

I installed norton antivirus now i cannot open profiles, help!?

The norton firewall might be blocking the URL containing the profile. Try to unblock the site/domain which contains the profile you are viewing then try again.

Also try disabling the norton firewall completely (hahaha but this is dangerous).

I installed norton antivirus now i cannot open profiles, help!?matchless

Dump Norton. They are famous for creating problems. Switch to a free antivirus program such as AVG.

I installed norton antivirus now i cannot open profiles, help!?norton 2008

profiles for what?

What kind of antivirus protection comes with your service?

Norton came with mine, and very pleased with it.

What kind of antivirus protection comes with your service?mcaffee

Norton internet security 2006 came with my computer ,its a trail for 60-90 days

What kind of antivirus protection comes with your service?norton antivirus 2007

Norton Anti-Virus 2006 came with my 2006 Toshiba Satellite a100 laptop, and I did not install it because it eats up a lot of resources and is crap. I use AVG Free, recommended. Also Spybot and Windows Defender, and Windows XP Home SP2 firewall.

I need an antivirus for my computer that is nice and cheap than will work very well and protect my c

Try ALWIL avast! Home Edition. It's freeware, the updates are free, and my mother-in-law has no complaints.

You also might want to search on Y!A for 'antivirus', since this question has been asked many times before. There may be several other suggestions that have been given.

I need an antivirus for my computer that is nice and cheap than will work very well and protect my computer?microsoft office

Avira 7 is the best and free, but use a firewall too, recommending Kerio(unregistered 1 month) or try another

I need an antivirus for my computer that is nice and cheap than will work very well and protect my computer?norton antivirus

The only trouble with AVG, free version is if you have a technical question. There is no one to contact in the US. The US rep in California never answered emails.

TrendMicro home edition is not that expensive and works well.

鈼?The very best virus scanners are free. Mcafee %26 Norton Antivirus are mostly hype and won't do as good as the free ones. -- %26 Smart Computing Magazine

鈼?Download and install AVG. Use it first and see if it finds any viruses or trojans.


鈼?After running AVG go here and run this virus scanner online. There is no need to install it on your computer.

I used avg antivirus & detects 3 viruses. how can i remove it. where can i find the remove/fix b

When you do a scan and a virus is found,it clearly

shows%26gt;quarantine or remove or similar, so this

leads me to believe that you do not have a virus,but are confused at what AVG is showing you.If you are seeing any of the following,rest

assured you do not have any problem.This is what shows during and after scan.


The above are just files which get moved around.

See AVG link below for confirmation.

Hope my suspicions were correct but accept my

apologies if i am wrong.



I used avg antivirus %26 detects 3 viruses. how can i remove it. where can i find the remove/fix button on avg?microsoft

I would recommend Trend micro antivirus software. It鈥檚 only $19.00 in most retail stores and provides you with a year of top end daily updated virus protection. I鈥檝e never heard of avg but if its one of those internet pop ups telling you they can scan your computer for free then tell you they found a virus they are lying and will scam you and maybe even infect your computer with a virus of their own. Never ever believe a pop up or something on the internet offering free scans.

Is yahho have antivirus?


yahoo has only yahoo toolbar for browser

that u can use it's Anti spyware andpop-ups blocker

Is yahho have antivirus?moto guzzi

Several months ago I received an e-mail from Central State University Registrar to my Yahoo account. When I tried to open it, I got a warning message that yahoo had detected a virus in the message.

Also, when you send an attachment to a Yahoo e-mail, notice that it Yahoo does scan it for viruses.

Is yahho have antivirus?norton internet security 2008

do you mean does yahoo have anti virus ore are you just typing random crap for fun ?
there's no Yahoo antiVirus... there's Yahoo anti-spyware... but it's not antivirus.. their task are different!
who's yahho?

Why does my antivirus not finish updating ?

I am using avg and i get the message to finish updating i must reset my pc but when i reset the message i need to reset to update is still there, why is this ? and how can i deal with it ? i never had this problem in all the time i have used it

Why does my antivirus not finish updating ?network security

uninstall and re-install

Why does my antivirus not finish updating ?norton internet security

The program has either become corrupted or you very well could have a virus, as many actually are designed to deactivate security software.

I've used just about everything on the market, and the best is CA Internet Security Suite. It includes Anti-virus/spyware/phishing as well as a firewall and backup software and even an optionally installed child protection app. I've had Norton's and McAfee and both suck. Norton's is too big, and gobbles up cpu capacity as well as memory and McAfee just doesn't stop anything. Both also cause system speed to slow down to a crawl. I've used CA for the past 5 years, and have not had a single malware related problem since switching Norton/s.
Yep. I have also found AVg not as reliable as i thought. I've used it for 4 years.

Change to avira or avast. i'm using avira and it works fine, finding more viruses that avg just left behind. (all free)

If you stil want to use avg then you need to uninstall it and reinstall. Check its the free version still or one you have license for.

Using cracked antivirus doesn't work too well, or so i hear :D
Dodgy copy of AVG maybe?
My advise, get rid of AVG and install PC tools Antivirus, It is so less intrusive and works more in the background.

I have an antivirus program on my computer but it's not in the add/or remove program list. i ca

The program is panda platinum internet security 2006 and i can't uninstall it. Can anyone help me please?? It's being on my computer for about 4 months . it makes my computer slow

I have an antivirus program on my computer but it's not in the add/or remove program list. i cant unisntall itnetwork

Here are the steps from the Panda website.

follow the link

I have an antivirus program on my computer but it's not in the add/or remove program list. i cant unisntall itnorton

find the folder and see if there is an uninstall in there, if not disable it in task manager delete the folder it's might tell you some files could not be deleted if so do a google search for a program called unlocker.exe then unlock those files and delete them. then defrag the hard drive
restart your pc in safemode login then remove it from the control panel /add, remove

perental control setting with passoword so none can reset it

no.1 : zoneAlarm internet security suite

no.1 firewall with anti virus %26 anti spyware this stop everything fast

all messenger im security .im security can block all incoming im messages

put a password on this and none can get in

you can lock the yahoo messenger from login in till you enter the password on the firewall and you can lock the explorer %26 firefox you can even lock the pc with this 1 password set up and none get to use the pc with put putting in the password to this first

For my norton antivirus, sometimes there is popups saying an intrusion attempt has been blocked. Con

the same person is trying to get into my computer repeatedly because theyre are poping up every sec. literly. Is this bad. Is my computer safe. Can i trace this idiot and report him, i have his info

For my norton antivirus, sometimes there is popups saying an intrusion attempt has been blocked. Continued?virus scan

Yes thats an hacker and yes that is bad you should make a backup of all your stuff on the pc and yes thats Illegal to try to break into some1 pc if you have his info go to your Local Police Department and they should get on the job

For my norton antivirus, sometimes there is popups saying an intrusion attempt has been blocked. Continued?anti virus scan

In order to be able to prosecute there must be a verified intrusion. You first need to disable Norton. This makes the intruder "think" it is down. But in reality you can't just turn it off. Once the "intrusion" occurs Norton will reactivate and give you a report with instructions.

Does yahoo have antivirus software?

Yes. You can choose to get their antivirus/antispyware for free, or Norton antivirus/spyware for free. Both work great.

Whats the best antivirus & Firewall Software for Vista 64bit?

I'd like answers from Vista 64bit users who has actually got the software running, It seems there are lots of software out there but it wont run on Vista 64!!

Whats the best antivirus %26 Firewall Software for Vista 64bit?virus

try norton antivirus, it's what i'm using now

Whats the best antivirus %26 Firewall Software for Vista 64bit?anti virus

No advice from me on this one - wont ever be using Vista - when I eventually pluck up the courage I am moving to Linux - fed up with bloatware.

80% of hosted servers on the internet are not on MS products and close to 90% of servers in hosting centres are not on MS products.....why do think that is?

Whats a good antivirus free download because mine is expired?

If you do not have any anti malware protection on your computer or the subscription has expired, for your convenience I have listed a few that are available for download and are completely free: I will not get involved with the rights and wrongs of each package or its effectiveness or indeed 鈥淭his is best鈥?or 鈥淭his is crap鈥?statements. Whatever you do, just make sure you have one of each type installed, updated and fully working:

Anti Virus

Anti Spyware

who dares wins

Whats a good antivirus free download because mine is expired?viruses

AVG offers a thirty free trial. After that, accept the free version. I have it on one of my computers and also have heard good things about it. No problems!

Type AVG into your browser and take it from there.

Whats a good antivirus free download because mine is expired?antispam

AVG is good. Also, McAfee Security Center.
AVG antivirus. Get it from under most popular software.
AVP is really good. I recommend it to anyone who doesn't have AV protection.
i think you should install a software antivirous naming "cureit"

and scan your computer with it also see for the updates because many new viruses are added to its directory day by day.its a perfect cure
Avast Antivirus works for me, and Spybot S%26D cleans out the adware nicely!
The best free Antivirus:


Avast Home:

Avg Free:
AVG ( Very solid.

I have Norton Antivirus and since I installed AOL I cant get the live update to work. Any ideas?

The help says that with AOL I may have to configure. I have wireless Cable through a router and have no idea how to configure. The directions with norton is very vague. Could it be a firewall? I just don't understand what is going on.

I have Norton Antivirus and since I installed AOL I cant get the live update to work. Any ideas?vista

I'm guessing that you are using a proxy server which prevents you from downloading updates to Norton AV via their live update. But, this is only a guess. Usually, in situations like these, you have to rummage through AOL and/ or Norton knowledge base forum to look for the fix. You can sometimes find the answer at their FAQ sites.

As a temporary solution, you can manually download and install Norton AV updates at ( The latest update is for July 9, the download link is:

I have Norton Antivirus and since I installed AOL I cant get the live update to work. Any ideas?antispyware

get rid of AOL...
First of all, I refuse to use Norton. I had it when I got my first computer and it sucked.

Second of all, I will not ever use AOL. Everyone I have talked to has had problems with AOL. I personally use People PC. Been using them for quite a while, hardly ever have any problems logging on, customer service is really great in my opinion.
Get rid of Norton and install AVG and Ad-Aware and use the removal tool when you need it. (they are all free and are much better than Norton or McAfee:

What is best Antivirus of world?

Kaspersky? Avg? Nod32? Symantec? ...?????????

What is best Antivirus of world?windows

AVG works really well.

and its also free...


What is best Antivirus of world?antivirus download

NOD32 is the best!
Depends on your requirement.

AVG is decent, free and most lightweight.

Symantec AV is exhaustive (virus-coverage wise) and has good support but much heavier than AVG.
If I was you I would download Ad-Aware SE it works great!! and get rid of viruses,folders that are spam and others! Download it now!
i would go with AVG
AVG check out

tutorial bout avg michealsoft
Which can remove the particular virus(plz specify). ez trust is a good one.
AVAST and AVG both are best Get any one of thm.

I downloaded Threatfire antivirus and Zone Alarm Firewall from i cant get them off.?

I downloaded both of these softwares from I didnt like them so i uninstalled them correctly and no longer appear in the list of programs. but when i check my security center, it says both zone alarm and threatfire are on and reporting to be working. HOW DO I GET THESE THINGS OFF FOR GOOD? I HAVE VISTA HOME PREMIUM. PLZ HELP!

I downloaded Threatfire antivirus and Zone Alarm Firewall from i cant get them off.?

If you uninstall both programs correctly in the (add/removed) program list, then the files are gone. To make sure all fragments are gone go to System Restore this will take your computer back a few days before you install these programs and then everything would be alright again. Go to Start%26gt;All Programs%26gt; Accessories%26gt;system Tools, and then System Restore, follow directioms as to restoring your computer. Good Luck. I have Window Vista Home Premium also and I am not going to put anything extra on my computer, when you start doing that things start to go wrong. Window Vista comes with (Window Defender) a very good spyware program and with an antivirus program preloaded on your computer, all you need to do is to make sure that you put all settings to (automatic update) this include your windows updates, antivirus program and spyware program, this is all the protection that you need in window vista. Good Luck

I downloaded Threatfire antivirus and Zone Alarm Firewall from i cant get them off.?antivirus downloads

When new norton antivirus is installed what happens to old one like if i install 2008 what will happ

Hello ,

Nice choice of product . The older versions are completely removed/erased/uninstalled . This uninstall will be performed when installing the new versions . A pop up may appear and alert the user of this uninstall . Always accept the uninstall . Be sure to run a "Full System Scan" after the install is complete .

Which is better antivirus? Avast or Kaspersky?

AVAST by far. Extremely easy to use. Very thorough. Updates automatically everyday. FREE.

Which is better antivirus? Avast or Kaspersky?agv

They are both excellent. But I would give the nod to Kaspersky

I have used both. It works really well. Luck.

Which is better antivirus? Avast or Kaspersky?antivirus software

AVG free adition best in the world!!!!
kaspersky 7.0
I'd say Avast because:

During the time I was using Windows (up until a few months back) I didn't get a single virus during the time I had Avast; and I think that's an awesome record for windows.

Now I'm on OS X, and everything's sweet.

So yeah, Avast it is.
currenlty Kaspersky.
Definately avast, i used to have AVG Free Edition. But i was told that there was loads of spyware included with the file download, but now i have avast its just so much more advanced also its easy to use. It will find everything that you would like it to find... if you want it just check out my source....
AVG i like it better or clamwin

Through which FREE antivirus on internet i can remove Virus-Funny ust

I think because of that virus i am not be able to format my disk and also not be able to run bootable disk through CD drive after making all the necessary settings.

Through which FREE antivirus on internet i can remove Virus-Funny ust virus protection

Avira Antivir and Spyware Doctor Start Edition combo should work

Free AntiVrius

- Grisoft Avg (2nd Best)(most popular)

- Avast

- Avira AntiVir (Best)

- PCTools Anti-Virus

Free AntiSpyware

- Spyware Doctor Starter Edition (The Best)

- SuperAntispyware (2nd Best)

- Adaware 2007 (most popular)

- Microsoft Defender

- AVG AntiSpyware

- Spyware Terminator 2

- Spy Hunter 3

- Spybot Search and Destroy

More Antivirus and Antispyware Information and links to the software vendors are found here

Through which FREE antivirus on internet i can remove Virus-Funny ust

u can download a good and powerfull latest anti virus software from the google website below to protect ur computer from viruses
It will tell you how here.

Webroot spy sweeper antivirus vs avantquest system suite 8?

I suggest you either get the three of the following free, but good products (Avira has a higher malware detection rate than avast! and AVG, although avast! has alot more features, like a lightweight network shield (firewall), P2P shield, web shield, IM messengers shield etc)

1) AVG Anti-Virus

2) avast! Home Edition 4.8

3) Avira AntiVir

If you are looking for good paid security products, these two are top (both have very high malware detection rates)

1) NOD32

2) Kaspersky

What is XP ANTIVIRUS 2008?!!!!!!!?

It's this stupid little window that keeps popping up and it's getting on my last nerve!!!! Is it a virus or just some type of spyware or something? And lastly, HOW DO I GET RID OF IT? Ya'll please please please help me.......... : (

What is XP ANTIVIRUS 2008?!!!!!!!?anti virus software

XPAntiVirus (also known as XP Anti Virus, XPAnti Virus and XP AntiVirus) is fake spyware removal tool that is usually downloaded onto your computer by a Trojan (most likely the Zlob Trojan) or under dubious circumstances without your consent. Once downloaded, XPAntiVirus begins to haunt the user by displaying false security alerts and "detecting" fake threats. The purpose is to get the user to purchase the full version of XPAntiVirus spyware removal application.

This will remove it, free.

What is XP ANTIVIRUS 2008?!!!!!!!?aurora

Sounds like you have a trojan or a virus already.

Download Adaware, install it, and run it.
It's a rogue antivirus program and it is bad news. The best way to get rid of it is use a good removal program like Rogue Remover Free. Doing a system restore will not remove it for you because it still be in the the undo restore point that windows automatically creates every time you do a system restore. But spyware removal programs will delete it out of the registry for you.
thats a virus in its self, my friend had one of those, if you have limewire delete it, then do a system restore go to :: start, all programs, accesories, system tools, system restore, go back a few days, then should be fine

I need best antivirus software available free on net to downlaod?

i want to remove my previous one also, how to do that

I need best antivirus software available free on net to downlaod?anti virus


I need best antivirus software available free on net to downlaod?auto protect

I recommend these 3 FREE top rated Programs to clean up and protect your system

~ Pat

Check out the video review

The Top Rated Free Antivirus Program researched from those who test Antivirus programs (av comparatives,, and other reviews including this video review) is

Avira Antivir

Today you are in just as much danger from Spyware I Recommend SuperAntiSpyware

( I used this to remove spyware and Trojans from a laptop that adaware would only detect but not get rid of ) It detected and removed everything J

You can also Download and Run Advanced Windows Care Personal this will tune up your system and show you what starts at bootup, and allow you to edit this.

(I recommend you uncheck the Registry tab, but pay close attention to the Spyware, Security and startup tabs and see what is starting up and disable harmful

I have avg antivirus and it detected a trojan called delf.DOQ and it cant be healed. How do i get ri

Download, Install, Update and Run SuperAntiSpyware

( I used this to remove spyware and Trojans from a laptop that adaware would only detect but not get rid of ) It detected and removed everything

The best FREE antivirus is the one tested to have the highest detection / removal rates by those who test them such as av-comparitives.

The Top Rated Free Antivirus Program researched from those who test Antivirus programs (av comparatives,, and other reviews including this video review) is

Avira Antivir

I have avg antivirus and it detected a trojan called delf.DOQ and it cant be healed. How do i get rid of it.?antispam

Try this

Then get real anti virus software.

I have avg antivirus and it detected a trojan called delf.DOQ and it cant be healed. How do i get rid of it.?avast

Best way is to let the experts help you.

Stop by and either read posts there about it or post a new one.

Those guys are really good at removing stuff like that.
The best Internet Security Suite (Firewall, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Virus, Anti-Spam, Pop-Up Blocker, Mail Scanner, and Parental Control) I have found is from Kapersky. They have a Free Virus Scanner here. They also have a FREE 30day Full Version trial here.

I purchased Northon Antivirus 2008 and cannot download it - why?

You really haven't given enough detail to determine why you can't download it. You will probably need to go to Nortons site for troubleshooting....but...Honestly...I don't care much for Norton. I had purchased in myself a couple of years ago and it wouldn't even get rid of Trojan viruses. You should try Avast ( It's free and it works awesome!

Problems installing Norton Antivirus?

I'm trying to set up Norton antivrus via a cd rom but my pc won't automatically run the cd. I'm using windows vista and I can't find the "My Computer" icon. How else can I start the cd rom?

Problems installing Norton Antivirus?antivirus download

if you reall have to install Norton.

'My computer' has been replaced with 'Computer'

you could find it in the start menu or on the desktop, if it's not on the desktop, open any folder, and type in the top,


or click the arrow in the address bar to get a list of some folders, or click at the top 'folder' or the folder icon to get a list of all the folders on the left side.

Problems installing Norton Antivirus?bmw

You could go to Start %26gt; Run and type in the name of the cd drive. My one is the E-drive so I would type:


otherwise, return the product to the store and get another copy if you like.. and see if that works. If not, there's something wrong with your computer.

Another option is, you can download AVG or McAfee from one of those many popular torrent sites. Those two are pretty good.
I wouldnt bother with Norton. You can get perfectly good ones for free. Try AVG free. Its great. You can get it on

Does a PC antivirus software like avast detect mobile phone viruses?

Some anti-virus programs for the PC can detect mobile phone viruses ON THE PC - that is, before they have been transferred to the phone. However, for proper protection of the phone you need a phone-based anti-virus program.

Also note that it depends very much on your phone model. Some (most, actually) phone models cannot be infected and you don't need anti-virus software for them. You mainly need anti-virus software for mobile phones using the Symbian S60 R2 operating system (mostly the older models of Nokia smart phones). While proof-of-concept viruses also exist for devices running the PalmOS, Windows Mobile and Symbian UIQ operating systems, they have no chances of surviving in the wild. There are also no viruses for devices that use the Symbian S60 R3 operating system (mostly - the newer models of Nokia smart phones), since it is much more secure than the R2 version and is incompatible with the latter.

In particular, AVAST offer a mobile version of their anti-virus program - but only for devices running the PalmOS or Windows Mobile operating systems. Surprisingly, they don't offer a version for devices using the Symbian S60 R2 operating system - yet this is the environment which is the most threatened by mobile malware.

Does a PC antivirus software like avast detect mobile phone viruses?antivirus downloads


Whats a good antivirus to use?

and also spyware?

Thanks : )

Whats a good antivirus to use?antivirus programs

I use the freeware anti virus program called 'Avast':

And for spyware protection, I use 'Spybot - Search and Destroy':

Whats a good antivirus to use?computer protection

Symantec Corporate is the best for me. Mostly because it is very light, (does not use much memory). But it does not save me from spyware. I would say if you need antivirus and the whole anti-spyware package + more I would check out Norton 360 that has it all! I think its around 80 Bucks and you get 1 year of complete protection for up to 3 pc's.

Blocks spyware

Stops viruses

Removes rootkits

Detects emerging threats without signatures

Blocks Internet worms at point of entry

Removes viruses from email and instant messages

Removes dangerous threats from files you download

Blocks suspicious programs

Smart two-way firewall

Vulnerability protection

Network Intrusion Protection

Fake Web site blocking - antiphishing

Web site authentication

Eavesdropping protection

Guards against online identity theft

I downloaded Norton Antivirus. It gave me the 2004 version. It's not working. HELP!?

Somehow I had spyware in the computer. I deleted it. Will the Norton system delete all those darned cookies? I'm getting 300 bulk messages a day

I downloaded Norton Antivirus. It gave me the 2004 version. It's not working. HELP!?antivirus protection

AVG is free from That will give you a good virus scanner. Then you need a spyware program, like Spybot Search and Destroy. In email, you really can't stop the bulk messages. Abandon that email address and start a new one.

I downloaded Norton Antivirus. It gave me the 2004 version. It's not working. HELP!?computer repair

yes avg is free and even better than norton. you should also bak that up by first scanning with avg then scan with housecall has found trojans norton didn't even know existed and they want money for norton. :)
I agree with bmp159. Either get Mcfee or AVG. But I want to point that if you get Mcfee, it doesn't stop all the viruses-juat most of them.
get mcafee it stops them before they get a chance to get on your computer and they also have a firewall you can download also
Best free anti-virus is AntiVir.
I personally stay away from norton, it just eats a lot of puter resorces ,meaning puter slows ya down!. I recommend the zonelabs internet suite at, which has antispyware (similar to spybot,adaware) firewall %26lt;%26lt;++ very cool, and antivirus too,which is updated allmost ev two days or so.

In addtion u also can go to, where at least u can get a free antispy proggi

When I use antivirus ( AVG ) to remove virus, it says to either 'heal' or sometimes '

What is this Vault ?

Do it have some capacity ?

Is it safe ?

When I use antivirus ( AVG ) to remove virus, it says to either 'heal' or sometimes 'move to the Vault'.......antivirus scan

The vault isolates the virus so it cannot harm your system. You can then attempt ridding your computer of the virus using AVG. If this fails, a Google search of the virus name should give you links to a site where you can download a patch to solve the problem.

When I use antivirus ( AVG ) to remove virus, it says to either 'heal' or sometimes 'move to the Vault' security

Cleaning is where the software can remove the vrus from the file.

Vault is a secure location where the virus cannot infect the rest of your system from. This is in case there is some critical application or information which is so valuable you would risk infection to access it. In a few cases software can be used to remove the virus from the file, but most of the time you have to delete these.

First, try to clean, then move to vault and delete some time in the future after you have verified this is not critical.

Ido not think there is a specific limit - but after a couple of days you have verified your PC runs OK with the file in the vault and verify the file does not have critical personal info, there is no reason not to delete it.
press F1. Most programs use that shortcut to open their documentation. The best help always comes from their creators.

Help with Avast Antivirus Virus chest?

Avast found some viruses and now their in the virus chest and I don't know if I should delete them because I don't know if their going to delete some of my pc's information with them because some of the viruses are in my administrator files.


Help with Avast Antivirus Virus chest?antivirus software


do this OFFLINE

trash likes to hide in your restore system,so every time you clean up your computer and you use system restore,it restores the trash along with everything else !

turn off system restore:


start--all programs--accessories--system tools--system restore

check the off box


right click computer icon

select properties

select system protection

uncheck os ( c: ) ( system )

alerter %26 messenger services:

stop messenger spam !!

XP only:

all programs--administrative tools--services

all services are in alphabetical order,right click both alerter %26 messenger services--select properties--from drop down menu,select disable

Active X:


internet explorer--tools--internet options--security--advanced

uncheck download unsigned--unsafe--autoprompt


delete history:

XP %26 Vista:

internet explorer--tools--internet options--general:

What good antispy/antivirus free software is out there?

Anti-Spyware - Ad-Aware SE Personal from Lavasoft it defends ur computer from spyware and adware plus, it's free

Spycatcher Express 2006 is also good and free

Antivirus - AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition from Grisoft it keeps ur computer virus-free w/o slowing down ur computer, this is also free

Firewall - ZoneAlarm from Zone Labs, it'll hide ur computer's ports from hackers and it's free also

for $49.95, u can get ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite 6 from , this offers a firewall, and virus, spyware, and spam killers in one program

Ad-Aware SE Personal, Spycatcher Express 2006, and AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition can b found on

What good antispy/antivirus free software is out there?antivirus - download free anti-virus..popular.

What good antispy/antivirus free software is out there?computer

I recommend this free antivirus. It is called antivir
Go to lavasoft's website [search it on google] and download Ad-Aware 6.0 personal edition. If you run it twice a week, it keeps your PC pretty clean of spyware
Windows Defender, Lavasoft Ad-Aware SE, Spybot - Search and Destroy top my favorites.
The best=

Why does Norton AntiVirus (2006) Definitions update daily now?

Previous versions updated every 2 to 10 days, rarely daily.

Why does Norton AntiVirus (2006) Definitions update daily now?aurora

Don't listen to people that tell you to turn off your auto update on the Norton. That is a good way to get a virus so its annoying big deal, if it will save you from getting a virus. The reason you are getting updates daily is maybe the last time/s didn't update completely or was interrupted. Could be Norton is updating daily, because of new virus they are finding on the net.Keep it up to date always and keep it enabled and auto update

Why does Norton AntiVirus (2006) Definitions update daily now?download

You can have your antivirus software update itself as often as you like. Check your drag-down menus when you have the program up. Look for either an "options" tab or a "preferences" tab. You should be able to control how often the program is updated. I don't use Norton right now but I've used it before.

I hope this helps.
becuse systematic has setped up there protection with the gobs and gobs of infections they feel its worth giveing you the latest they know about if your truely concerned about viruses i would leave the auto updates on never know when that one whatif will happen
I guess coz their more different types of threats these days
the setting you have to automatically update, I turned mine off, its annoying. I update mine manually every day or so.

Which ithe Best Antivirus which can completely filter out virus from computer?

The answer depends on personal preferences. Usually the last program that took care of the last virus that the other ones couldn't. In my case it was Avast! Anti-Virus.

Which ithe Best Antivirus which can completely filter out virus from computer?avast

I recommend antivir. It is very powerful and it is free.

Which ithe Best Antivirus which can completely filter out virus from computer?ducati

hi, there maybe something wrong with your IE.

firefox is much smaller than IE, so i run faster than IE.

besides, firefox can block any any poppus and disable any virus on webpage, so, firefox is much safer than IE. as you know, most of the virus is spread throught internet and webpage.

download firefox for free:

Best Wishes %26%26 Good Luck!
norton antivirus is great!!!!!!!!!!!
I have "AVAST" no problems so far!! Also--it is FREEEEE!!!
I heard mac afee is the best but its a great question.
Ok antiviruses like norton and mcafee do the job but the problem with them is they take alot of system resources to run them. If your looking for a very good and free antivirus i recommend Avast Home Edition. It barely uses any system resources and it is very good with infected computers and also very good at keeping the viruses off your pc. . Good Luck
I use Norton. It is pretty reliable.
nortan internet security is the best u can but for your money is around $60 but well worth it
No anti-virus can claim to filter out all virii. People make a virus and put it out on the net, and then the anti-virus manufacturer figures out how to identify and stop the virus, and updates his software. The software manufacturer is constantly trying to catch up.

Question regarding Norton AntiVirus software?

My software expires in 20 days. I bought the latest version 2007 today, will I lose that 21 days of subscription service if I install the newer version now, or will it carry itself over. Please help :)

Question regarding Norton AntiVirus software?best antivirus software

If you have left 20 or 21 days left for expiring the old version of Norton Antivirus, let it go. You could install the new software when the old one expires. Installing the new Norton Antivirus will cause to lose the 20 or 21 days service from your old package. I would strongly recommend you to use the new sotware after 20 days.

Question regarding Norton AntiVirus software?firewall

you just made the biggest mistake you can, norton is the worst anti-virus in the world? ever wondered why you computer takes forever to start? but to answer your quetions, you souldnt lose the 20 days providing you uses the program to update and didnt just buy the program on a diffearant acount.
Try http://tipsfromruby-internetsecurity.blo... for further help to keep your computer protected with regular virus protection and other related updates and news .

Sorry to tell you but you have done the wrong thing, you should have just downloaded "AVG" for free and dumped Norton's (why buy when you can get better for free ??) so take it back to the shop and ask for your money back. Hope this helps you.

Why has norton antivirus started blocking my outlook emails?

it was all working fine, then suddenly its stopped it sending and receiving in outlook??

only works if i disable it for few minutes, i have checked and it is an allowed program in the firewall settings

Why has norton antivirus started blocking my outlook emails?bmw



Why has norton antivirus started blocking my outlook emails?free adware remover

More than likely you have a spam blocker on your Nortons and it is doing its job, you want to check your info with Nortons and it will probaly be solved.
I haven't run Norton for a while now but I think you have to change your settings in outlook and set it up to go threw Norton you will have to search your Norton help files
I'm having the same problem, even while using Yahoo. I open a page, but when I go back, everything is frozen. Then I get "No Response" after it has failed on me. I have to close my online and start over. I'm convinced now that Norton - and a few others - are the culprit villians to our problem. I sincerely hope you find that actually works!
Norton stomps lots of programs. Do yourself a favor and get rid of it, and go with a free one like AVG.
maybe, someone has been sending you emails with a spyware attached in it. I used to use Norton anti-virus and it acted like that a few times then i disabled it and there were alot of spywares attached on the emails!!!!!!!!! just change the settings to accept junk emails like advertisements but be careful because sites like that attach spywares to monitorate what you have been doing on web.
you might have a virus on your system that attaches it self to out going mail
El nuevo Panda Antivirus + Firewall 2007 es mucho m脙隆s que un antivirus. Con 脙漏l blindar脙隆s tu PC frente a los asaltos de los hackers y adem脙隆s estar脙隆s a salvo de todo tipo de virus, spyware y estafas online. Adem脙隆s ahora, 脗隆por cada compra del producto Panda Antivirus + Firewall 2007 podr脙隆s proteger hasta 3 PCs!

Why does Norton AntiVirus ask me if I want to renew when my computer shows that it is already enable

Also, what is the best way to "clean" computer w/o deleting files?

Why does Norton AntiVirus ask me if I want to renew when my computer shows that it is already enabled?cafe racer

I use this it does good, It's called ccleaner which means crap cleaner.

This is called Adware SE, it removes adware (popups and files that cause them) plus it finds viruses and trojans.

Why does Norton AntiVirus ask me if I want to renew when my computer shows that it is already enabled?free anti virus

I have no answer for your primary question. But as for your second question, I guess you want to know how to get rid of the temporary files and other crap. You can get the free Disk Cleaner and one click will do the job for you:
your subscription may be running out !
Expiration is a different thing !!!! All Nortan softwares are valid for 1 year after an year yoyu have to renew the subscription so that you get the support.

You would have reached somewhere near the newwel date. Please check the first window to know about the expiration date.
Get rid of Norton and get a good antivirus program. Here you have some free options:
your subscription (updates and def.) are close to expiring is why that keeps asking you. on the main page it will have the date that it ends (bottom).

you will need to renew in order to continue recieving updates past that point.

as for cleaning files?

i would suggest a good cleaning program like regcleaner or cccleaner.

you will want to delete files tho if they are no longer used or needed

Right now, which antivirus out there is the best?

For free systems the highest rated is Kaspersky. For subscription try PC-Cillin. The support makes it tops in my book.

Right now, which antivirus out there is the best?computer protection

CA anti virus

Right now, which antivirus out there is the best?free antivirus download

check out

It not only gives complete solutions but also offers

free downloads of effective softwares which can detect

and eliminate all spy ware /virus /ad ware /Trojans completely.
Check out ... It has run tests with a large virus database and with many antivirus software...

It is free of commercials so its the most accurate (since it doesn't have its own antivirus to advertise too)

I think the top one is Kaspersky Internet Security but its also very expensive (also you will notice that the most famous antivirus aren't the best but became famous for good commercials)
I'm using Windows Live OneCare. It's around $39.00 at Walmart. It is easy to use, backs up all your files, does system scans, plus comes with Windows Defender. As was told to you earlier, everyone has different opinions, but this one has worked very well with me. You can also use it for up to 3 different computers. It's little icon in the toolbar is colored coded so you know if your computer is in good shape or needs attention, which the program directs you on what to do.
every one has a diffrent oppinion there is no right or wrong answer people would just give lists of anti viruses becasue each anti virus has diffrent types of virus definitions that others dont have but the other may not have some that another has so i wouldnt give an oppinion becasue every on has a diffrent oppinion and theyll say it sucks but some other maybe wont but right now im using norton

Is PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition 3.1.2 more efficient than Norton?

I found on that Norton is rated with a 2 star and the PC Tools is rated with a 3 star from the user and 4 star from CNET

Is PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition 3.1.2 more efficient than Norton?computer repair

norton will protect you better, some will say its a resource hog etc..

i have yet to see that on any pc with norton on it.

Is PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition 3.1.2 more efficient than Norton?free antivirus

PC Tools anti-virus Free edition does everything that an anti-virus has to do, and for free. Hence, it gets a high rating. Norton may be slightly better overall, but it updates weekly, is a big resource hog and is NOT free. That makes it a poor scorer. If you want to buy an anti-virus, go for Kaspersky / BitDefender / NOD32; if you want a free one (believe me, they do their job very efficiently), get anyone listed below:
Norton is way better but it's not the best and uses CPU. Use F-secure, Kaspersky, Avira, Active Virus Shield, or Bitdefender.

They're the BEST =D

I need an antivirus?

get limewire and download any antivirus with full version for free!

I need an antivirus?computer security

lime wire ha ha ha, yeah and u had better NOT do online banking

limewire is full of spyware

if u really want antivirus for nothing,

go to

download it (its free)

then go to and type in searchbar


click on which ever you want

and simply download

atb Report It

I need an antivirus?free spyware remobal

no but if your on the internet alot then it would be safe to
Use AVG Free you can get it at

Don't let anybody try to tell that you need Norton (It's bloatware junk)
get norton intersecurity 2007 works 4 me
go to the link below for help
All of these are ones that I personally use and all are free.After you install any of them,make sure you update them to get the full affect.

Download Grisoft AVG 7.5 Anti-Virus,Anti-Malware.(free)

AVG is a collection of anti-virus protection tools that gives you full protection against viruses, worms, Trojans and malware. AVG provides you with all that you need to be completely protected: including a tool for scanning your hard drive and e-mail, as well as a real-time shield to prevent infections.

I have bitdifender antivirus only so i need a firewall that compatable with it .. anybody have an id

i try zonealarm with bitdeffender but i face many problems .. so anyone know what firewall can i install beside the bitdifender ?

by the way this is my first question here


I have bitdifender antivirus only so i need a firewall that compatable with it .. anybody have an ideas ?computer virus

Try Comodo firewall. It is better than the ZoneAlarm free firewall and consumes less resources and won't slow your pc down during startup. Plus it is consistently rated as one of the best firewalls either paid or free. I wouldn't think there would be a compatibility problem, it's at least worth a try. Here is a link:

Good Luck!

Which of these antivirus softwares are better Trend Micro PC-Cillin or Avast? And why?

For Independent Anti-virus research opinions see =

Requires free registration = Latest test results from Virus Bulletin :

Independent Anti-virus and Anti-spam Advice =


Review: Free Antivirus Software - =


An important thing to keep in mind, regardless of which anti-virus, anti-malware, anti-spyware and firewall you use

( ) is to keep it UPDATED, just as it is important to make sure you have all windows critical and security updates +

Note: The way I have mine set is to only notify me that updates are availiable, but to not download them automaticaly. Then I can check to be sure I get just the ones I want. I then click on "custom", and after the updates have been downloaded I look them over to see which ones I want, then disconnect from the net, disable firewall and anti-virus program, and then install the updates, and then re-enable the firewall and anti-virus programs before reconnecting to the net.

When you have antivirus and spyware do u run it while online or offline?

You can run manual scans while offline. And run the Update option while online. But for online protection they are always running in the background.

When you have antivirus and spyware do u run it while online or offline?computers

There is no deference. Just do daily scans in safe mode.

When you have antivirus and spyware do u run it while online or offline?hijack this

It doesn't matter if you're online or offline. Well except you're using dialup for your internet connection, then you might wanna get offline before running the program. Other than that, it doesn't really matter.
Normally I run my antivirus and spyware all the time.

However, antivirus software can really slow down some applications. Since I have already scanned all the files on my computer for viruses and spyware, sometimes I disconnect my internet connection and shut down my antivirus software. This speeds up the applications.

Caution: Restart the antivirus software before reconnecting to the internet.
Either or... makes no difference.
It doesn't matter. It automatically runs by itself.
when you have installed them they automatically get started when you open your comp. and when you get online they start to protect your comp from dangerous things
I run both on line but then I have a high speed always on connection and it runs in the background and pops up with the results when finished.

I have norten antivirus 2007. It has spyware protection. Do I still need to get an extra spyware pro

and If I do. will the spyware doctor conflict with norton or make my computer slower?

I have norten antivirus 2007. It has spyware protection. Do I still need to get an extra spyware protection?download

Every time you add a new process to your system it will require resources, so naturally you will have less RAM available for other programs and therefore you will lose a bit of speed. Each time an anti-spyware program performs a scan it will use memory and processor time.

Norton anti-virus does not usually deal with spyware.

If you have Windows XP SP2 then you can get Windows Defender the anti-spyware program free of charge from Microsoft.

I have norten antivirus 2007. It has spyware protection. Do I still need to get an extra spyware protection?hijackthis

all spyware software look for different things, one may miss something another picks up. most other spyware programs will not conflict unless they scan at the same time, but both you mentioned are real time scanners, dont believe you will have a problem. make a restore point first, in case.
Yes, as Norton's spyware detection is crap.
Yes. No one anti-spyware program can cover everything that's out there. It's been proven a combination of programs can give you better protection. Make sure you also get the following: Spybot S%26D, Lavasoft Ad-Aware SE Personal and Spyware Blaster...

I have Norton Antivirus, but it keeps popping up whenever there's a threat. Annoying. Suggestio

This happens every five minutes. Is there anyway the virus can be eliminated without Autoprotect notifying me all the time?

I have Norton Antivirus, but it keeps popping up whenever there's a threat. Annoying. Suggestions?downloads

maybe your internet security level is at high level that prompts your norton to give you a warning pop-up. i had it before when i set to a high level. try to choose the middle/medium level and maybe it wont notify you always and would just ignore low security risks. open your internet explorer, go to tools, internet option, then security and privacy option (make it medium level) then click ok. not so sure if this a good help, but i had tried it and got no problem at all.

I have Norton Antivirus, but it keeps popping up whenever there's a threat. Annoying. Suggestions?house call

Use McAfee instead or even Microsoft defender its free
yeah why not just get rid of all your protection software and that way you won't get "annoyed" by those stupid programs telling you your computer is at risk and could potentially become unstable or unuseable. Then about every other month, you can reformat your hard drive, lose all your files, programs and settings, and atsrt over again. OR, follow the prompts to get protected.
Go to options and change the "way Norton notifies you"


get something like AVG
I think you just have to open Norton Antivirus......go to virus and spyware protection options under "additional options" and choose from there.

Any good free antivirus software for personal use?

AVG Free Edition works great...and free daily updates.

Any good free antivirus software for personal use?ducati

Try AVG free anti virus software.

It is the best

Any good free antivirus software for personal use?hp

I think Macfee is good
AVG is the way to go! I have it, and it's wonderful. Just go to and you can get it from there.
Try Ad Aware...type it in google ot yahoo and see what happens:)
Believe me, this one is proven and excellent. Choose the Home Edition which is free for personal use.
Try Using Symantec, Norton Anti Virus which will come free along with google Check it in Google

Symantec Technician
try to use Nod32 from or from but you will need instruction to crack it.
You should try Lavasaoft Ad Aware SE. There is a trial version which is free. I have been using it for over two years now and have not had a virus problem ever since. They also have some other fancy stuff like Window Washer etc which are paid for, have no idea whether those work, but Ad Aware does work. The web id is
As said by others, AVG is probably the best choice. I just wanted to point out that Ad-Aware doesn't scan for viruses, it scans for adware, hence the name.

There is a large difference between adware and viruses.
Trend Micro's Housecall is completely free and scans your computer for virus, spyware, malware, greyware, and adware.

The catch is that you need an active internet connection. With a 56k modem it is a little slow but possible. Its much easier if you have a faster connection. Check out the link below.

Monday, October 19, 2009

I have Norton antivirus 2008...installed about 2 mts ago. Now when liveupdate runs, it doesn't

I have a high speed computer....high speed internet...never had this problem before...I can cancel the update, but obviously in doing so Norton always shows as "at risk" because the liveupdate wasn't completed.

I have Norton antivirus 2008...installed about 2 mts ago. Now when liveupdate runs, it doesn't stop?firewall

Norton Live update takes an extremely long time to finish when it is the first time installing it so the progress bar won't move for around 5 to ten minutes depending on how many updates are available now. I just installed Morton yesterday and it took around an hour for installation and update

If it still doesn't work manually update it or use

Intelligent Updater

I have Norton antivirus 2008...installed about 2 mts ago. Now when liveupdate runs, it doesn't stop?husqvarna

need to call norton company or go on their site to fix it sounds like a messed up program---norton is one of the lowest rated antivirus programs out even though it is popular i dont use it every time i bought it i have had problems errors from the anti v

sory you had to waste your money get avast it is free and has a much higher rating of dependability

Wats better symantec antivirus 10.0 or sbc yahoo online protection from CA?

i was just wondering

Wats better symantec antivirus 10.0 or sbc yahoo online protection from CA?free adware remover

look for avast antivirus and ad-aware they are a perfect free combination.

Wats better symantec antivirus 10.0 or sbc yahoo online protection from CA?internet security 2006

Go with the Computer Associates.I have that and I think it is a very good program.
hi, i recommand you to use firefox with Google toolbar. firefox can disable all virus to run, because the virus can only run on IE.

besides, firefox can block any any poppus and disable any virus and adware, spyware on webpage, so, firefox is much safer than IE. as you know, most of the virus is spread throught internet and webpage.

firefox is much smaller than IE, so i run faster than IE.

download firefox for free:

Best Wishes %26%26 Good Luck!
taken the price into account SBC is better.

Notting better than free and it runs with less load on your computer and it does the job
Symantec/Norton is a memory hog and really slows down a computer. The EZAntivirus and PestPatrol by Computer Associates that is provided by Yahoo is the same basic product used by many Fortune 500 companies. I used to buy CA protection before I was able to switch ISPs and get it for free. In my opinion it's as good as anything else out there.

One final thought..... I doubt that Yahoo would take a chance and provide a crappy product and risk all kinds of negative publicity if people began getting infected with viruses or spyware. It would NOT do their public image much good.

If your Norton Antivirus expired, can you still use it? And if you can, what's the use of insta

yes you can still use norton after your subscription expires but it is important to keep your subscription active so you are up to date on your virus definitions otherwise you are vounerable to new threats

If your Norton Antivirus expired, can you still use it? And if you can, what's the use of installing it again?free anti virus

if u continue using it it will detect the virus but not delete it uninstalling wot help either

try using norton 2006

If your Norton Antivirus expired, can you still use it? And if you can, what's the use of installing it again?internet security software

If you are clever enough , you can download free trials for

3 months over and over again !

Anyway , you're still protected !
Yes, You can still use it, but you will not be able to get any updates. There are new viruses coming out everyday, so you really should renew your subscription. If you want a good free anti-virus program, download this one click it%26gt;%26gt;
Norton sux. you can get AVG and it will find stuff that norton won't find and its free.

Free nokia mobile antivirus?

pls tell me about the problem of my mobile 6630..i guess it was infected of some viruses.coz every time i turned it on it was automatically sending..pls give me some free anti virus for this matter.

Free nokia mobile antivirus?free antivirus download

It was automatically sending *what*? SIS files via Bluetooth? MMS messages? Something else?

In any case, if it is indeed infected with a virus, chances are that it's one of the Cabir or CommWarrior families, because these are the most widespread ones. Try the following two free utilities for removing the most widespread variants of these two virus families.

You really should run a general-purpose anti-virus program on your Symbian S60 R3 phone, though - although these aren't free. I recommend F-Secure's; see the third link for links to many others.

Free nokia mobile antivirus?internet security

the best anti virus for this is "McAfee Virusscan mobile".

it is working really great .try this. if u dont get it u can mail me at i can arrange

Do i need antivirus software for my new imac?

It used to be that all mac computers didn't need virus software because no one made viruses for them, but since everyone is starting to get macs more viruses are probably going to be made. To be REALLY safe I would get some, but on all the macs I've ever used, they've never had any so I don't even know who makes antivirus software for a mac. Even if you can find some it might be expensive.

Do i need antivirus software for my new imac?free antivirus

If you want to be safe on the internet for more than 8 seconds, yes.

I have avg antivirus 7.5,windows defender and windows firewall is this ok for keep my pc cleen?

i think of bying one off the top ones(kaspersky,nod 32 etc)anything recomended?i have pentium 4 dual core 3 gh asus graphics card 8600 gt 512 mb end 2 gb ram

I have avg antivirus 7.5,windows defender and windows firewall is this ok for keep my pc cleen?free spyware remobal

You have decent (not world-class) protection as it stands, but an upgrade to KAV or NOD32 would be a bit of an improvement over AVG.

But, you also need to keep ALL of your installed software fully updated and patched to avoid serious security issues.

Almost all viruses and other malware target vulnerabilities in not only your Windows operating system, but also your other installed software such as Java, Flash-player and Adobe.

When these vulnerabilities (or security holes) are patched, a virus can knock all day at the door of your computer but won't be able to infect it!

I strongly recommend the regular use of a free, online security tool called The Secunia Software Inspector, that scans a computer for un-secure, un-updated and un-patched apps that may be installed on your computer.

The Secunia Software Inspector checks for possibly vulnerable programs like Adobe, Winamp, Java, Windows, Internet Explorer etc. and notifies if critical security updates are needed. Takes about 30 seconds and the results might surprise you!

Cannot install Symantec antivirus Client 10.0?

my machine is giving me thts error message "Error 1304. Erroe writing to file c:\program files\symantec shared\SNDSrvc.exe. verify that you have access to that directory"

NOTE: I am the administrator, i also performed a manual uninstall with directions from symantec site but i still get this error. is their a way to some how force delete files off your machine without loosing any important or is their any other solution to this problem PLEASE HELP.

Cannot install Symantec antivirus Client 10.0?free spyware remover

Use AVG anti-virus, it's free and is not a memory hog like Norton.

Cannot install Symantec antivirus Client 10.0?ktm

On the Symantec site they have a Norton Removal Tool, I would suggest you download and run that.

Norton is not a good program, if you need antivirus you are way better protected with AVG Free edition.

Norton runs right along with many viruses and doesn't detect them, also it will not remove most viruses.
Don't install anything with the words 'Symantec' or 'Norton' in front of it. It is not worth the money and will take up tons of memory. As another person suggested, go get the free version of AVG and you will be much happier.

Why is Norton antivirus so prevelant?

Most everyone in the field knows that NAV sucks in so many ways. Is it Best Buy, Microsoft?

Why is Norton antivirus so prevelant?free spyware

I will give them credit for being able to sucker people into purchasing Nortons with their slick marketing skills. To bad they are unable to take these skills and put them into turning around a pure junk product into a quality product.

One would think they would learn from years of making horrible mistakes with their software. Each and every year Nortons continues to get worse. They learn nothing from past experiences.

My guess is as long as they are pulling the the "born yesterday people", they will continue to get richer and richer with no need to make any effort to imporve their software so that is not a hugh resource hog, finds viruses and you are not left with 375 fragments of Nortons when you decide you want to remove the software.

They are in many ways like Microsoft Windows Platforms. You pay alot of money for Windows XP and you expect to get a product that you do not have to download 75 or more critical updates. Kind of like selling you a platform full of security holes.

Microsoft has full knowledge that when you purchase a plaform youv are purchasing a platform full of security holes. And then they turn around with the WGA, and validate that your key is genuine for a platform full of flaws.

There is no logic to this madness.

Minddoctor, France

Why is Norton antivirus so prevelant?live update

it's added by microsoft, they get money for it, and it's hard to delete because it just keeps coming back, but it sucks.
Not really.

I got norton antivirus allready insalled on my computer. how do i ininsall it?

this is the best way

I got norton antivirus allready insalled on my computer. how do i ininsall it?hijack this

shooky I saw you on the news today...!!


I got norton antivirus allready insalled on my computer. how do i ininsall it?liveupdate

it tells you how to uninstall it on their site

i keep telling everyone that norton is no good. but that's because most people are in too big of a hurry to set it up right. if you take your time and only enable the correct functions in it there isn't a virus scanner that can come close to it. but there are are some functions in it that will cause you problems. read their help pages before you get rid of norton. it is more complicated to setup but worth the time it takes.

Is there any antivirus software I should install on my Macbook?

If so, what? I have had it for a few months and it's been fine. I know Macs are better than PCs when it comes to viruses. However, I just want to be extra safe, if I have to.

Is there any antivirus software I should install on my Macbook?hijackthis

You don't have to install an antivirus software for mac. will give you something to kill windows-based viruses.

Renewed norton symantic antivirus on internet on 02/22/2006.?

Every day I get several popups saying that this service has expired because of non-payment. My credit card records show that this was paid in February. I can't find a phone number for Norton.

Renewed norton symantic antivirus on internet on 02/22/2006.?house call

here is the main phone number, and it has very good support for renewal, installing, updating, however you did it to see if you did something wrong. Hope it helps

Renewed norton symantic antivirus on internet on 02/22/2006.?matchless


there u will find the contact details on the bottom of the page

here are some numbers


World Headquarters

20330 Stevens Creek Blvd.

Cupertino, CA 95014

Phone: +1 408 517 8000


Dublin, Ireland

Ballycoolin Business Park


Dublin 15


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Get AVG now while you sort out the norton issue

AVG is free

Do you have a transaction number or receipt?

Go to the norton store and check for order status

Unfortunately you have to pay norton to speak with a representative.

Call your credit card company

Is there an antivirus that i can download free?

AVG free version from

AntiVir from

Avast from

Is there an antivirus that i can download free?husqvarna

Home version is free


Is there an antivirus that i can download free?microsoft office

I have been using it for the past 2 years so its very reliable. But more importantly its FREE.
FREE eTrust EZ Antivirus for Windows VistaTM Beta Users

PC-cillin Internet Security 14.55 Beta Program for Windows Vista

Beta Duration: May 23rd to October 31st, 2006

avast! Home - Vista-compatible, both the free and paid versions.

ClamWin Free (from the ClamWin forums)

"ClamWin on Windows Vista Beta 2 build 5384 works!

ClamWin, does support Outlook 2007 Beta 2.

It brings up a hidden window, with display on the taskbar, when Outlook is running... closes right down after closing Outlook..",...

Antivirus for Windows - Open Source %26 Free!
If you have an aol account it would be best to use AOL Safety and Security Center by McAFee. AOL gives it to you for free and McAFee is one of the top five computer security corps. Is free and works well
Yes... It is Trend-Micro PC-cillin. go to and ask the question for free downloads for anti-virus downloads and then you will see bunches of them. I have trend on my computer
Only bad ones like Avast! and AVG.
I like AOL Active Virus Shield. Don't let the name AOL fool you. Active Virus Shield is made by Kaspersky which is one of top-rated anti-virus vendors in the world.

Virus that disables antivirus,task manager, folder options, online scan,etc.?

Please suggest EFFECTIVE ways to remove this virus. It also closes firefox/explorer window with the word VIRUS.

1.what is the name of this virus?

2.what are its other effects?

3. how can i remove it?

thank you so much!

i tried some solutions posted here in Y!answers yet they were not effective.

i really need help.


Virus that disables antivirus,task manager, folder options, online scan,etc.?internet security 2006

depending on which antivirus program you use, go to their website (norton's is and do a search for that particular virus. see what comes up. usually they will give u instructions on how to resolve it. sometimes even after removing a virus it continues coming back because it has made changes to the registry. the antivirus website should have instructions on what to do if this happens also. do the research and follow the directions. good luck!

Virus that disables antivirus,task manager, folder options, online scan,etc.?microsoft

Sounds like you've got a "root-kit" infection and it's learning. If you can, go to and run a security check. If it will not run or if it can't help you try
Just go to nod 32, I heard it's good.

Once again my antivirus has found sptware on my computer?

Called spywarequake,i have removed it,i have only been on yahoo answers,is this how it is going to be from now on,does anyone on here think that yahoo should sort this out,more frequent since usa joined in?

Once again my antivirus has found sptware on my computer?internet security software

The only thing that anyone can do is to regulary check there com, for Sp'ware Adware and virus's by using the appropriate software. Beleave it or not even Yahoo do this, but as we all get to know no system is perfect, there will allways be something get through. ( We have to be on the ball ) Set aside time regulary and check . If yiu think its Yahoo's falt, tell them, and keep telling them.

Once again my antivirus has found sptware on my computer?moto guzzi

What's yahoo got to do with it?

Do you think Yahoo is installing spyware on your PC?

Spywarequake is installed via a trojan that you already have on your PC not through Yahoo.

Hope that helps.
Get AVG free and microsoft antispyware they are brilliant

Spy threats are nothing to do with Yahoo answers its someone trying to access your pc a hacker who hopes to download files. Get protected and it wont happen.
spybot search and destroy its free on p c world web site

Is There any antivirus program that doesn't make your computer slower ?

Because I put kaspersky and it made my computer slow.

Is There any antivirus program that doesn't make your computer slower ?internet security

most virus are spread through IE. IE is not a safe browser. you should use a more secure browser to protect your PC from virus.

i recommand you to use firefox with Google toolbar. firefox can block any any popup and disable any virus and adware, spyware on webpage, so, firefox is much safer than IE browser. as you know, most of virus spread throught internet and webpage.

besides, firefox is much smaller than IE, so it run faster than IE.

download firefox for free, Just have a try:

Good Luck !!!

Is There any antivirus program that doesn't make your computer slower ?network security

Most antivirus programs make your computer slower to some extent, because of the constant usage of memory required to maintain active scanning and overall virus protection. Usually the ones that slow down your computer the most are the big name ones such as Norton or McAfee. IN that case i recommend Zonelabs Zonealarm which can be found at

It provides the most protection (and if you wish complete protection) without slowing down your computer TOO much.

Does Symantec Norton Antivirus 2007 make your computer faster by deleting all the viruses ect?

does it because then whays the point i kno its for your computer wont get meesed up but does it makes it faster

Does Symantec Norton Antivirus 2007 make your computer faster by deleting all the viruses ect?internet

Get rid of Norton! It doesn't make your computer faster, but slower. Any antivirus program is better than Norton. Here you have some excellent and free antivirus programs. Just make your choice:

Does Symantec Norton Antivirus 2007 make your computer faster by deleting all the viruses ect?network

It will only make it faster if there were indeed viruses on your machine that were slowing it down to start. It can not make it faster just because it is on your box... In fact it may appear to slow ya down while it does its work.
no it does not make ur computer faster by deleting viruses it just stops viruses from infecting and crashing ur computers hard drive it has nothing 2 do with how or so fast ur computer goes
no it won't but if you ever want to remove norton, you will get to know, if you don't already, how deeply a program can get into your computer. I found files long after deleting the program and I did it the so-called right way
It will actually make your computer run slower, especially on startup. It takes horsepower to run the antivirus and scan your disks.

It's a bit like putting armor plating on your car because someone is randomly shelling the highway. You'll go a bit slower hour by hour, but when you eventually get hit (and you will), the bullets will bounce off, instead of destroying the car.
no it does not

norton 2007 is complete crap

if you want a decent anti virus

use McAfee or AVG

McAfee is paid and is the best

AVG is free and is simple and fast

Norton 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 make your computer lag like crazy

I downloaded Norton Antivirus software but it was not installed completely.Pls help me on how to rem

I downloaded the Norton anti virus 2007 software trial pack onto my Win XP. I started the installation but when it almost reached the end something happened and now the software is not completely installed. There is a desktop icon and files in program files. When I click the Norton anti virus icon my computer goes slow. I tried to uninstall it by going to add or remove programs but it doesn't work.When I click on remove nothing happens. So how do I remove it ?

You can email me if u need some more information at Please help me.

I downloaded Norton Antivirus software but it was not installed completely.Pls help me on how to remove the sokawasaki

Norton anti virus uninstall guidelines!

Download and run the Norton Removal Tool

Use the Norton Removal Tool to remove a failed installation or a damaged Norton product.

I downloaded Norton Antivirus software but it was not installed completely.Pls help me on how to remove the sonortan antivirus

symantec has a norton removal tool

Please recommend me antivirus free or cheap?

avast home edition is free and good better then any other virus protection softwares.

Please recommend me antivirus free or cheap?ktm

Right now, these two free AVs are getting the best reviews:

AVG Antivirus:


You might want to download them both and check them out. Every computer is different, different settings, different software. An AV that runs fine on one machine, may slow another one down or conflict with other software. So, download them and set a restore point in System Restore (you can access that by going to your start menu, choosing Help and Support, then choosing System Restore), or using any third party image backup program you might have (Norton Ghost, Acronis True Image). You want to do this just in case anything goes wrong when you install the program(s). Then install one, try it out for a few days, and see if you like it.

Note: Be sure to have only ONE AV running on your PC at a time. Running two can cause problems, so uninstall one before trying out the other.

People will often push their favorite program, but the best program is the one that runs best on your machine.

Please recommend me antivirus free or cheap?nortan

avast anti virus- download from

Failed installation of antivirus software means I can't view the body of my messages. How do I

The software that failed to install is Defender-Pro 5i-in-1 2008. I can access my account, but when I open the messages, the test does not appear.

Failed installation of antivirus software means I can't view the body of my messages. How do I fix this?live update

Hello you got 2 ways to solve this.

Either try install/repair or unistall again that antivir.

Either roll back your pc to a previous date like 2 days before(there you will lose some data wich was installed from 2 days ago till present but if is nothing important you can try to do that) or the most recent data saved point.

to do this please do the following:

Go on Start-%26gt; Run -%26gt; type there msconfig and click on Tools tab on system restore. Then a small wizard will appear wich will guide you thru the rest of the process.

Hope this helped.

Trying to renewnorton antivirus?

they wont except my email address

Trying to renewnorton antivirus?liveupdate

don't it more trouble than its worth go with maybe AVG its free and works great

I have symantec antivirus client, its tray icon automatically hides after a few seconds when pc star

I have Win XP

It Can connect the server.

auto protect is enabled

plz tell me waht i should do

I have symantec antivirus client, its tray icon automatically hides after a few seconds when pc starts. Help.?malware

you have a virus that can disable your antivirus download avg update it and runit in safe mode

I have symantec antivirus client, its tray icon automatically hides after a few seconds when pc starts. Help.?norton 360

Opn the program and be sure to check that you want the tray icon to stay....also check the properties of your taskbar and that hide inactive icons isn't checked or if it is you can setup a rule to show you that particular one always
Allot of times it will go ghost and run in stealth mode.Why not go to the home page and go to FAQ and see if there is any questions on this matter and see what advice it can give you.Good Luck
Right click an empty spot on the toolbar, click Properties. The bottom option says: Hide inactive icons. Remove the checkmark.

Hiding the inactive icons does not affect the running of the program, it just makes more space on the toolbar. If you will look carefully, over by the System tray will be a small Less than symbol, clicking on that will show all items in your system tray.

Is there any antivirus software available from Yahoo such as antispyware is offered.?

Just wandering if I could simply use Yahoo as my only browser or go with AOL since they offer all of the computer protection features.

Is there any antivirus software available from Yahoo such as antispyware is offered.?matchless


Where is my antivirus software and how do i install it?

Installing is easy -- just stick the CD in -- it will prompt for each action. You need to find the software first though. If you don't have it, you will have to buy it.

Where is my antivirus software and how do i install it?mcaffee


Firstly, Check with your ISP (Internet Service Provider). They are the people that connect you to the internet. Sometimes your ISP can provide your with AntiVirus for free. (Netzero, AOL, comcast, etc, do.) :O)

If your ISP does not provide anything.. Fear not! I have a few Free Antivirus programs I can reccomend to you.. I have tried all of the following and liked them! :O) avast! AntiVir HBEDV AVG Free Edition

Also, if your willing to experiment (this product as of now is still in testing) Windows OneCare Beta

If your fine with forking over a couple bucks, I have another solution -- I am VERY satisfied with the current version of Norton Systemworks. ( ). This program is worth every cent, you won't be sorry!

If you would like to use Norton Antivirus for Free, that is possible... You will have to download it through the google pack, which URL is provided here:

Where is my antivirus software and how do i install it?norton antivirus 2007

Maybe you dont have. you need to buy it and then just stick in the cd. most have auto run./

Since reinstalling norton antivirus 2005 i cant send e mails?

Get AVG. It's a free download,and far better than Norton.I wouldn't be without it.When friends ask me to set up their computers out of the box, the first thing I download for them is AVG.There's an upgrade version as well(paid for). Even banks and insurance companies use it. Meanwhile,check your firewall settings.If it's too high it will block almost everything.

Since reinstalling norton antivirus 2005 i cant send e mails?microsoft office

Brian, I would just like to add my name to the list of people here who are recommending you switch to AVG Free Version (free download). It really is excellent. You can go for the paid version later if you find that you like it. When you download the free version, it schedules itself to run automatically every morning at 8 A.M. to do a full system test for you. You are then prompted to update it if you wish. You can download the day's updates to keep it absolutely current. My own full system test takes a tiny bit longer than one hour and the download of the updates is a matter of maybe two minutes at the most. I usually download the daily updates around seven-thirty so when the full system scan is being done, it is using the most absolutely up-to-date updates. You download them from the Internet. They also are free. You will understand how to use this program almost the moment you lay eyes on it. It is very well thought out and presented. I am 64 years old, and understood it the moment I saw it.

I strongly urge you to try AVG 7.5 Free Version and I believe you will find, like so many of us have, that it is absolutely first-rate.

Since reinstalling norton antivirus 2005 i cant send e mails?norton antivirus

try updating to 2008

or delete it and get something else.

I have norton antivirus software but i keep getting popup messages that i have been infected.?

I keep getting annoying warnings and popups of all kinds from Microsoft security centre.

I have norton antivirus software but i keep getting popup messages that i have been infected.?microsoft

you have to tell us some of the warnings

I have norton antivirus software but i keep getting popup messages that i have been infected.?norton ghost

remove norton (Control panels %26gt;Add remove programs)

install AVG Free

And AVGS (Free)


these are 100 times better than norton and dont cost a penny

I have being doing IT Support for 25 Years - so I know what i am talking about
Norton may not have caught the infection, and most likely the microsoft pop-ups are bogus.....what you probably have is spyware or malware, possibly even a rootkit....where norton can detect and clean most intrusions, it is primarily an antivirus and doesn't always work that great to get rid of other types of infections.....get a anti-spy program like adaware or spybot search and destroy, or both...also spyware blaster is a good tool as well...they are all free....lookup a program called rootkit revealer and also hijack this....follow the instructs....update everything and run the extra careful with hijack this as not everything it finds is bad, it just finds things that have been changed since the original file was installed.

I need a antivirus protection and free without paying to get it repair?

free and cleans all my computer the whole protection

I need a antivirus protection and free without paying to get it repair?moto guzzi

Avast anti-virus, found above, is free, almost daily updates, no expiration. I've used it for a couple of years, and have not had one problem.

I need a antivirus protection and free without paying to get it repair?norton internet security 2008

Those are ok, but the best freeware is from AVG they have virus and spyware for free, you can also get free antivirus from roadrunner, they also offer a free firewall.
go to and download either avg antivirus or kapersky... it is both freeware...

Is Trend Micro Antivirus any good?

or are ther better ones

Is Trend Micro Antivirus any good?network security

Yes, it's the "worst of the best". It is part of a group of really good commercial antivirus programs, of that group it is not quite as good as the others but is still going to keep you awesomely protected from viruses and bad stuff. Trend is particularly popular in schools, it is less expensive than Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition but still really quite good. Particularly good about Trend products is they are very stable on the new Windows Vista.

On Yahoo! answers people come and ask questions about how they can get the benefits of a fast, safe computer without having to pay any money for it. You will get a bunch of answers to your question that are along the lines of "Use AVG Antivirus! It's FREE!" and " "Use Avast! it's free and just as good!" remember; the internet is like the rest of the world, you get what you pay for, and if you pay nothing you get rubbish. Trend is NOT rubbish, it's great.

Is Trend Micro Antivirus any good?norton internet security

if u want a complete antivirus,spyware,adware

for free

then go for avast

it is much better than Trend Micro Antivirus