(A; Its part of their security program.)
I have to disable Norton from the tray icon to check my Email via OutLookExpress.
Why can't Norton give it up automatically for me?
Why does Norton AntiVirus have helpless help pages?virus
When norton had their update for 2005- security level was set hig- check internet security settings and lower it down. It's not actually allowing outlook express to connect to the internet.
Why does Norton AntiVirus have helpless help pages?anti virus
got it. the firewall is preventing you from sending and recieving.
1. open the norton console (click on tray icon) and click on the personal firewall. Then click on the configure button.
2. on the window that pops up, click on the tab that says programs. There will be a list of all the programs that require approval from the firewall to access the internet. scroll through the list and find outlook and highlight it. then at the bottom click on the modify button. on the window that pops up make sure the selection is set to automatically configure internet access (recommended).
this should remedy the problem, but if it doesn't then there are 2 more things to try. you could disable nortons firewall (if you have windows xp sp2, you can turn on windows built in firewall). If that doesn't work the go with a uninstall/reinstall of the app.
I'll check you question tommorrow to see you had any luck.
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